Thursday, April 5, 2007

Paterson To Re-Launch ACU Chemical Line

Paterson has re-launched its 'ACU' range of black & white chemistry thanks to public demand and a German manufacturer. 'After the closure of its contractor's UK manufacturing plant last year, Paterson has been inundated with calls from photographers concerned at the loss of their favourite chemistry,' explained a spokesman for Paterson Photographic which is based in Tipton, West Midlands.

He added: 'A new German contractor has now been appointed to mix the unique 'Geoffrey Crawley' formulations. This includes an improved version of Aculux which produces fine grain negatives for both conventional enlarging and scanning.' There are three types of developers - all available in 1 Liter bottles. They are the Aculux 3 (fine grain film developer); FX-39 (high definition film developer); and Acugrade print developer. The 'High Speed Fixer' will be available at an additional cost.

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