Saturday, August 28, 2010

KIEV 60 SLR Images

I was going through some old scans recently and came across these images I took with a Kiev 60 medium format SLR. Produced by the Arsenal factory in the Ukraine Republic since the early eighties its basic design was based on the classic Pentagon Six and shares several of the same features and can utilize the same lenses and accessories.  The lens is an 80mm Volna-3.  I have no idea what settings I used at the time, although by the look of the depth of focus it was probably around 2.8.  If I remember correctly I was using a single B800 AlienBee studio light at camera right.  The 6x6cm negative was scanned and toned in Photoshop Lightroom.  If you want a boat anchor that provides pretty good results on 120 roll film, the Kiev 60 (with all of its quirks) is perfect.

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