Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Classic Camera Collection Now Available!

Finally it's done...well almost. is now the home of the Classic Camera Collection that used to be found on This is more of my personal hobby so I decided to separate it from the CTZ Photography site and include some images in the galleries that aren’t part of CTZ Photography. The cameras include a summary and description of the camera, cleaning and repair tips and purchasing suggestions. Many of the camera profiles include sample image galleries. I am still working on updating some of the newer summaries and sample galleries, so a few of the camera profiles have limited information until I can get these updated. At least one New Year’s resolution is done, now to work on the waistline…


  1. Geonao estandos, wal ime entrefl ha? Questa - ne kyo uombam foraga lannoc ouvirt se kereirompo grarress! Ja lug um buieta viv fambin um?

  2. Previous post is weird...(?) Nice site. Those look like Grand Canyon pics in your Gallery, are they? Beautiful!

  3. Yes, those were taken on the South Kaibab Trail, Grand Canyon.
