Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ilford Film Challenge

Ilford has announced that promotional boxes of Ilford Multigrade IV Deluxe Photographic paper include three free rolls of 36-exposure Ilford HP5 Plus film and an invitation to accept the ‘HP5 Plus Challenge.’ This runs until May 31, 2007 and allows anyone using Ilford HP5 Plus black and while film to compete for the chance to produce an image that will appear on the packaging for Ilford photographic paper along with a $1250 cash prize. A panel of judges will determine the winner, who is scheduled to be announced on June 30, 2007. So put aside that fancy new digital SLR and brush off the dust from those wonderful film SLRs sitting in closets and get shooting. Here are the specific details directly from Ilford. Associated image provided by Ilford.

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